Consulting Services

We listen to our clients, learn about each one’s unique circumstances, and provide the services that bring solutions of value. Our services include:

Dependent Eligibility Verification Audits

Medical Claims Audits

Medical Claims Cost Containment Audits

Provider Charge Increase Audits

Litigation Support Consulting


Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Services

Our extensive healthcare insurance administration experience coupled with our related information technology expertise permits us to offer a customized audit approach that meets the unique requirements of each organization.  For our clients this means that the dependent eligibility audits are conducted with the highest level of integrity and in the most efficient manner.

Member of our audit team have experience in the financial and legal industries and understand the importance of maintaining the necessary level of confidentiality and the need for consistent and explicit communications during the audit process.

We also understand the intricacies of employer provided healthcare benefits and provide services tailored to each organization.

To learn more about our Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit Services contact Magis Technology Group at

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Medical Claims Audit Services

Magis Technology Group medical claims audit services are designed to help the sponsor of self-funded healthcare insurance plan address the cost, risk, and quality of service of third-party administered plans.

Our approach is directed at identifying costly claims payment errors, determining if there are opportunities to recover monies related to overpayments of claims, and implementing improvements for claims processing administration.

Our goal is to support he individuals responsible for managing healthcare insurance benefits with an accurate and independent accounting of claims payment errors.  We also provide assistance in improving the claims administration process to avoid on-going occurrences as a means of reducing future claims expense.

To learn more about our Medical Claims Audit Services contact Magis Technology Group at

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Medical Claims Cost Containment Audit Services

Magis Technology Group provides comprehensive medical claims containment services.  We employ data analysis queries that analyze claims history against specific billing, coding, utilization, and reimbursement rules to identify claims that have been improperly billed and paid.

Our data analysis methodologies permit us to evaluate claims transactions to identify erroneous payments, provider service trends that are contributing to the escalation of costs on individual and aggregate levels, inconsistent application of contractual reimbursement rates, and aggressive billing practices undertake by providers.

To learn more about our Medical Claims Cost Containment Audit Services contact Magis Technology Group at

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Provider Charge Increase Audit Services

Magis Technology Group is uniquely qualified to help organization control provider costs through our comprehensive cost containment services.  With the extensive healthcare and technology experience positioned within the members of our firm. We are able to provide a full range of contract compliance audit services to control costs, recover overpayments from hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, and other ancillary providers for charges that exceed the contractual limits.

Our team of experienced consultants will conduct independent audits of provider charges in relation to established contractual limits and to develop and implement contractual mechanisms that will limit charge increases and provide for the recovery of payment that exceed established levels.

To learn more about our Provider Charge Increase Audit Services contact Magis Technology Group at

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Litigation Support Consulting Services

Magis Technology Group provides litigation support services in the areas of healthcare insurance administration, paid medical claims disputes, and healthcare information technology to attorneys and legal consultants.  Our team of experts has experience in healthcare insurance administration, healthcare claims processing, contract compliance, and medical claims audits are available to assist members of the legal profession by analyzing data, developing reports, and preparing related evidentiary support for litigation proceedings.

To learn more about our Litigation Support Consulting Services contact Magis Technology Group at

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